The Cannon Downrigger Cable is a versatile, anodized steel cable that is used in freshwater or saltwater. The 200' lengths cables have 7-strand, 316-grade stainless steel cable and each cable is...
The Cannon Downrigger Lock locks large-bodied downriggers securely to the boat with a pin-tumbler lock. A perfect security for your downriggers is assured with the 1903020.
The Cannon 1491072 Digi-Troll transducer for all Digitroll models can network up to six downriggers to troll at set distances from the bottom through it. It provides bottom tracking ability to...
The Cannon 2200693 is a solid aluminum deck plate reinforces Cannon bases and pedestal mounts installed on thin decks and gunwales. It is made of machine aluminum and is powder coated to resist...
The Cannon 2207327 is a clamp mount that secures downrigger to the gunwale or transom. This works with Lake-Troll, Sport-Troll, Easi-Troll and Mini-Mag downriggers. It is built with machined aluminum...