PLB, EPIRB, & VDR Battery Replacement


We change batteries in ACR, McMurdo, Ocean Signal, and Jotron EPIRBs and PLBs. We also replace Jotron VDR batteries used in the Furuno and Consilium VDR systems. We have a state of the art Battery Replacement and Shore Based Maintenance facility.

Your PLB ,EPIRB, or VDR will be thoroughly inspected and tested when we change the battery. Every unit that comes into our facility is activated in our faraday cage. If your unit contains a GPS the GPS receiver and the GPS transmission in the 406 MHz burst as well as the 121.5 MHz homing frequency will be verified.

When your unit leaves our facility you can be assured that it is in top shape and ready for activation in an emergency situation.

Please contact us for pricing on your battery replacement.


Epirb Battery Replacement Service Includes:

New battery good for 5 years
New O-rings and washers
Full pressure test
Full water activation test
Leak test
Weight test
Full transmission service test on ACR test equipment
Proof of passing certificate certifying programming and functionality
New Labels (if necessary)
New pull string, tab and cord. (if applicable)
Replacement of cracked antenna (additional fee)
New NOAA registration forms (if necessary)
Free Pickup and delivery in Houston Area.

Turnaround time


Turnaround time is up to 1 week upon receipt of EPIRB at our shop depending on current level of battery stock.

You can either drop off your epirb at our shop or you can ship it to us. We offer free pickup and delivery in the downtown. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Request a quote for Epirb, PLB or SART battery service