Contents of the package
Intellian s80HD WorldView
Intellian s80HD WorldView is the most feature packed marine satellite antenna system on the market today.The dual band antenna system can simultaneously receive two Ka-band and one Ku-band satellite signal for DIRECTV configuration including DIRECTV HD channels and or a single Ku-band feed to provide complete TV coverage wherever you are in the world.
The s80HD WorldView incorporates lntellian's newly developed WorldViewTrio LNB system to enable uninterrupted satellite reception of all worldwide Ku-band satellites along with the DIRECTV channels without requiring LNBs to be swapped out or re-wiring the system. The WorldView Trio LNB module automatically switches to the corresponding polarization and local frequency regardless of the satellite service areas so that boaters and yacht owners can enjoy stable and simple TV operation onboard, traveling from region to region.
Incorporated with lntellian's multi-switch box as standard, the s80HD WorldView provides built-in SWM multi-switch and standard-type satellite multi-switch interface, providing a robust connection interface for DIRECTV satellite receivers and standard satellite receivers at the same time.
No matter your geographic location or the satellite signals used in the area, you'll always receive the strongest satellite TV signals for uninterrupted entertainment.
Simultaneous Reception of DIRECTV Ka- and Ku-Band
The s80HD WorldView antenna system with its triple feed horn provides you with simultaneous reception of two DIRECTV Ka-Band satellites and one DIRECTV Ku-Band satellite located at 99 W, 101 W and 103 W. This allows viewers to watch all DIRECTV channels without manually changing the satellites, as easy as you do on shore.
Intellian WorldView Trio LNB
Intellian's WorldView Trio LNB technology enables reception of all Ku-Band satellites around the globe. The WorldView Trio LNB can receive on all linear polarizations as well as left and right hand circular polarizations. The LNB module is programmed to select each satellite's L.O. automatically, which allows boaters to enjoy any satellite TV services by simply selecting a target satellite and connecting a satellite receiver.
Multi-switch Module
Intellian s80HD WorldView comes as standard with a Multi-Switch module that allows you to connect various types of satellite receivers. The Multi-Switch includes a built-in SWM capability, supporting both Single Wire and standard installations, reducing the need for additional hardware, and simplfying onboard installation.
DVB-S2 Signal Identification
Intellian s80HD WorldVIew is fully compatible with DVB-S2 signals. It detects, identifies, and tracks satellite transmitting the DVB-S2 signal format. A capable satellite TV receiver and subscription is required.
3-Axis Stabilized System
They s80HD WorldView antenna is stabilized in three axes; azimuth, elevation and cross-level, providing faster, more reliable satellite tracking. The 3-axis stabilization is especially beneficial in regions near the equator and for vessels that may find themselves out in heavy seas.
GlobalSatellite Library
The s8DHD WorldView antenna system contains a built-in global satellite library that provides satelite data wherever you are.The library receives service from satellites from around the globe, giving you the most relavant, location-based programming. Best of all, the Intellian Support team continuously uprades the satellite library as programming changes, so you'll always have the most current satellite information available.
User Control with iPhone, iPad and Android apps
Intellian app is now available tor owners or the s8OHD WorldView. Simply download the app onto your smartphone, tablet or other favorite device and operate your antenna, access the satellite library,download the latest antenna software and mode, with simple touch controls.
Item number: T2-878T
UPC: -
Package weight: 6.16 lb