Description World's first Ku- Band LNB module capable of receiving a full range of operating frequencies from any VSAT satellite around the globe. Intellian's Global PLL LNB is the world's first...
Description Norsats Low Noise Blocks (LNBs) provide signal reception for satellite communications around the world. We offer premium performance and reliability in the smallest form factor...
Description The Ka-band Conversion Kit enables shipboard personnel in the field to swap out the necessary components without removing the radome, all in as little as 20 minutes for the v150NX and...
Description The Ka-band Conversion Kit enables shipboard personnel in the field to swap out the necessary components without removing the radome, all in as little as 20 minutes for the v150NX and...
Description The v150NX is the worlds first and only Ku- to Ka-band convertible GEO/MEO/LEO-ready VSAT antenna system. This dual-band antenna can operate on Ku- and Ka- bands simply by switching...