Scanstrut Wd-Rad-01 Top Plate F/Powertower Radar Mounts - 4 DegreeWD-RAD-01 Top Plate f/PowerTower® Radar Mounts - 4°Enhance the performance of your radome with the rugged, marine-grade, UV stable...
Scanstrut Wd-Opnary-01 Top Plate F/Powertower Open Array Mounts - 4 DegreeWD-OPNARY-01 Top Plate for PowerTower® Open Array Mounts - 4°Enhance the performance of your radome with our tough,...
Scanstrut Spt2010 Base Wedge F/Stainless Steel Powertower - 4 DegreeSPT2010 Base Wedge for Stainless Steel PowerTower® - 4°Enhance the performance of your radome with our tough, marine-grade, UV...
Scanstrut Pt3010 Base Wedge F/Powertower Radar Mounts - 4 DegreePT3010 Base Wedge f/PowerTower® Radar Mounts - 4°Enhance the performance of your radome with our tough, marine-grade, UV stable wedge...
Scanstrut Sc50 Adjustable Wedge F/Satcom MountsSC50 Adjustable Wedge for Satcom MountsDesigned to work with Scanstrut satcom mounts, you can quickly and easily provide a level mounting surface on any...
Scanstrut Rokk Mini Rail MountROKK Mini Rail MountRail Mount Base that fits a wide range of rails.Compatible with:Rails from .75" to 1.25" (19 to 34mm) *Sold as an Individual Manufacturer Part...
Scanstrut Rokk Mini Surface MountROKK Mini Surface MountScrew-down base mount fits any flat surface.*Sold as an Individual Manufacturer Part Number: RLS- 401