This accessory is designed to be used with the ECDIS900 Cherry or OP3000 (with housing) keyboards and the E0102 alarm panel (required when using the M5024 Monitor). This accessory include a small plate to cover over the E0102 Alarm adapter if the alarm is ever removed.
Adapter fits inside the pedestal chassis of the Simrad Professional Console. Designed to be used with the E50XX processor, R5000 PSU, Simrad-Maris ECDIS900 MK5A (Hatteland B30 Processor -...
Designed to be used with the Simrad-Maris ECDIS900 OP3000 Keyboard (PN 11197. Comes started with all ECDIS900 kits) or OP3000 desktop keyboard (PN 000-12524-001).